Thursday, September 15, 2016

Ch.18 Social Media and Marketing

In this new generation, with its modern ideas for social commerce a subset of e-commerce that involves the interaction and user contribution aspects of social online media to assist online buying and selling of products and services.

"Social media is more than a way to market your business it's a chance to connect with your customers."

This video first  connect to their views  then introduces their product "CeraVe" and explain why is good for you. This is a way to sell a product in social online media, also this can be "Review sites" web sites that allow consumers to post, read, rate, and comment on opinions regarding all kinds of product and services.

My company wants to sell their products therefore they have to look for ways to deliver their product to consumers in other words the organization identifies customers where they are ex Twitter , Facebook, youtube. Most people now days have a smartphone which allow them to look for their needs, they no longer need to go to the store to purchase ours good,  instead they can go online and search for what they wants and buy it.

                                                               SOCIAL MEDIA

in 2010, the agency implemented a social media strategy for the CeraVe to maintain a more active conversation with the consumer. The agency:

  • headed up the re-design of to make it more interactive and user-friendly.
  • Created an educational "SK-INformation" blog for current and potential CeraVe users to get expert advice about the brand, issues affecting their skin &amp: the ability to leave comments.
  • The new interfaces across several social media platforms, including active presences on youTube, Facebook, Pinterest and twitter, with the goal of driving "follower" and "fan" traffic back to the website or to other online venues hosting positive information about the brand.
in 2011 and 2012, the agency expanded CeraVe's social media strategy to include:

  • A short video tutorial series for consumers called " CeraVe 1-2-3" for viewing on both the brand's youTube channel and
  • The launch of an interactive online (Facebook and micro site) video contest called "share your CeraVe story and WIN!" This promotion challenged ceraVe fans to submit brief videos showing why they are "ceraVe's Biggest fan" for a chance to win a year's worth of CeraVe skincare products. the contest, ultimately decided by voters, also included a sweepstakes component so one lucky voter had a chance to win the grand prize as well.


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