Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ch. 16 - Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Promotion

Think of advertisement that stick in your head. What makes them so memorable? is it the product itself, or is it the techniques used to produce  the ad? Advertising appeals are the persuasive that stimulates a person to buy a product or service by speaking to an individual's needs, interest, or wants. The goal of an ad is to persuade customers, and advertising appeals provide just the right hook to allow persuasion to occur. Advertising appeals are designed to create a positive image and mindset about those who use the product or service, and are a major factor of consideration for advertisers. Companies put a lot of effort into their creative advertising strategies and use various types of appeals to influence purchasing decisions.

CeraVe advertisement analysis
 The product the advertisement is trying to sell is create sunscreen.
The setting of the ad takes places in a swimming pool. The pool is in the ad.her skin looks radiant and    
she is smiling from ear to ear. Besides Rebecca and the pool, the ad display two other objects. There are two different bottles of VeraVe sunscreen; one squeeze- bottle and one spray can. In this print ad, Rebecca is in the pool showing off her smooth skin that she protects using create sunscreen. The purpose this ad is placed in twin magazines because its target audience is swimmers or people who spend a lot of time outdoors in the summer because this product helps protect the skin from the damaging rays of the sun and helps keep the skin hydrated after long hours in the pool.
Swimmers who see this ad is a swim magazine would recognize Rebecca Soni and stop to read the ad. The advertisement creators wants the target audience to believe that CeraVe sunscreen works so well that even three-time Olympic gold medalist Rebecca Soni uses and trusts it. The creators claim that being in the water and damaging sun can take a toll on your skin. Therefore, it is important to protect your skin and repair it by using CeraVe sunscreen. There are many visual techniques in this advertisement. The two that help portray the message most are:

  1. Her skin is exposed and healthy showing how great your skin can look if you use CeraVe 
  2. The use of bright colors and the bright blue pool in the background catch the reader's  eyes and tells he/she how this product is waterproof and good for swimmers. There are no aural techniques in a print ad
This ad portrays: the need to feel safe (from the sun)
the need for aesthetic sensations. (if you use this product you will feel more beautiful)

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